Explore Coastal Louisiana with Boudreaux
Explore Coastal Louisiana with Boudreaux.iso
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Steps to run the CD: "Explore Coastal Louisiana"
Before running the CD, make sure the computer is set to
24-bit or 16 million colors and at least 800 X 600 screen size.
(In Windows '95 or '98, this can be done by right clicking on
the desktop and choosing "Properties." Next choose the
"Settings" tab. The value to set colors is under "Color Palette"
and the value to set screen size is under "Desktop Area.")
Step 1: Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive.
Step 2: Click on your CD-ROM drive (Coastal)
(If using Windows '95 or '98, this can be done in
Windows Explorer.)
Step 3: Double click the file on the CD named Setup.exe.
A set-up file will install the necessary run-time files
needed to run the CD. (The CD will NOT be installed on
your hard drive.)
Step 4: Double click the file on the CD named iv5setup.exe.
This will allow you to view the videos on the CD.
Step 5: Click the start button on the task bar (at the bottom of your
screen), then "Programs," "Explore Coastal Louisiana," then
"Coastal CD." This will start the program.
You must only do the second, third and fourth steps the very first time
the CD is executed on a particular computer. Once this step has been done,
any other time you wish to run the CD, just follow steps 1 and 5.
If the program should freeze up on you at any time, and you wish to
exit, press ALT-F4. Only exit this way if you cannot get back to
the main menu exit button.
Enjoy the CD...